What Is Vape Smoke?
In the world of vaping, there’s often confusion between terms like "vaping" and "smoking." If nothing is being set aflame when you vape, what exactly is that cloud you exhale? While people often refer to it as "vape smoke," this term is technically incorrect. That visible puff is actually vapor, and it’s quite different from smoke produced by combustion.
What Is Smoke and Combustion?
Smoke is the byproduct of combustion, which occurs when a material burns. Essentially, when something burns, incomplete combustion happens, leaving unburned particles to form smoke.
Take a campfire as an example. When logs and kindling ignite, a lot of smoke is initially produced because combustion is incomplete. As the fire roars, the amount of smoke diminishes but never fully disappears. Smoke occurs because of unburned particles evaporating from the material being burned, releasing a range of volatile organic compounds.

How Is Vapor Different from Smoke?
Unlike smoke, vapor is simply a substance in its gaseous form. When you vaporize hemp or any material, the device heats it to the boiling point, transforming the material from a solid or liquid into vapor without burning it. Combustion creates acrid, smelly smoke filled with a variety of hydrocarbons and other chemicals, while vaporization avoids this by never burning the material.
Vaporizing provides a cleaner and purer form of inhalation compared to smoke, preserving the natural compounds without creating any new harmful substances.
Vapor and Smell: How Does It Differ?
Ever been around a campfire and left with your clothes smelling like smoke for days? That’s because smoke lingers due to a phenomenon called the "coating effect." Volatile organic compounds in smoke adhere to surfaces and leave behind a sticky, persistent odor that can be tough to eliminate.
Vapor doesn’t behave this way. It dissipates quickly, similar to what happens when you boil water. The light vapor that may carry a scent quickly vanishes once the vaporizing stops, leaving no long-lasting smell. This is great news for vape users who want to enjoy hemp without the lingering odor that smoking leaves behind.

Is "Vape Smoke" an Accurate Term?
While it’s common to hear the term “vape smoke,” it’s technically incorrect. The clouds produced by a vaporizer contain no smoke—just vapor. Smoke implies incomplete combustion, which creates new compounds and chemicals. However, with vapor, no combustion takes place, so no new compounds are formed. The vapor is made up of the same components found in the material you’re vaporizing.
Vapor also dissipates much faster than smoke and doesn’t leave a lingering odor. In essence, there’s no smoke in vaping—only vapor. So, the next time someone refers to the clouds from a vape as “vape smoke,” you can gently explain the scientific difference.
Now that you know the key differences between vapor and smoke, it’s clear that vaping offers a cleaner, less odorous, and more efficient alternative to smoking. Vaporization avoids the harmful effects of combustion, offering a purer experience without the lingering odors that come from smoking. When it comes to vaping, it’s all about vapor—not smoke.
Whether you’re looking to switch from smoking or you’re a seasoned vape enthusiast, understanding the science behind your device helps you make informed choices. At Cloud 9, we’re here to provide you with the best vaporizers and accessories to enhance your experience. Explore our wide range of products and start vaping smarter today.